Sunday, April 15

I love my friends

They're awesome.
We just had a kick ass dinner party in celebration of my birthday. It turns out though that besides all that, the food was delicious, the laughter was bouncing off the walls, and the girls are all back up on their feet.
I just had a scary thought though...this is the first time in history that Sam, Nicki and I are all single AT THE SAME TIME. Look out world, it only gets better from here, the only way we can go from the bottom is up, and me thinks we are all on the train to the sky. Us beautiful, intelligent and thoughtful women deserve to finally have what we deserve to have. We've all had our turn at nurturing the mentally damaged, and beaten the dead horse to the ground so to speak. Spring is a great time for new growth, and even though the weight of the world has been, is and will continue to be on my shoulders, it's ok. I can carry it, and I know that my girls can too. Is this what 33 is going to be, all adult and brilliant like? Sounds good, I'll take it, in fact I may even have seconds...who knows.

Although I wonder why no one has responded to my birthday invitation. Do I scare people? Did they not notice how secretly creative that invitation was? What???
Meanwhile the phrase "dropping the baby at the finish line" won't seem to leave my head. I got an extension on an essay due last week, and it was supposed to be handed in friday night by midnight. Issue's anyone? 1 week left of school yet sooo much homework to finish...ugghhh. No point in jeopardizing myself though, I can't wait to become a funeral director. I love the whole process and the variety of lives involved. So maybe I should get out of here whilst I am feeling so damn typative and go and finsih the damn essay...ok then.

1 comment:

miss.nicola said...

HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY! another year older, and wiser. Yup.