Thursday, October 12

And what a day it's been...

It's been awhile again. I often think of things I should post on my lonely blog, but what can I say, I've been totally uninspired lately. Things are looking up though, I know, I 've been thinking that for too long, but there really is a light at the end somewhere. I'm really almost single, although I have been mentally for months. It's so time to put this baby to bed, it's tired and ready.
My ftp is messed up, so no pics tonight. My brain is exhausted from too much school today, my heart is craving something that I cannot reach, and I woke up today looking like my mother. I have a million piles of shit to move around and out of my house this weekend, I finally changed the water in my fish tank (now that there was a casualty), and I can't wait to get the demon out of my bed so I can finally change the sheets. I know I shouldn't start something new until I finish with the old, but what if the new is actually the old and the new old well, just needs to go away? I wonder about that, is it deceitful? Is it wrong to not want what you have and crave what you don't have? I read something the other day about not wallowing in your own muck; bring it out, deal with it and leave it be...guilt will only cause you grief.
I wanted to add the photo of my new drum kit, but oh well, maybe some other week.

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