Like Nicki said, for a girl with such bravado, she sure is lacking in the approach. Ok so she didn't quite say that exactly, but you get the the point. It's true, I tend to be a brazen, loud mouthed woman, unless it comes to talking to members of the opposite sex. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with strange men, or guys who are my friends, but throw in the element of attraction and I am fucked. does one learn to not act like a retard whilst talking to a fellow? Crap, I fear I may have blown my big chance at my next boyfriend because I got flustered and walked away in the middle of the conversation.
Otherwise I feel pretty good this morning, considering I drank myself sober and din't get home until 3am. Why am I up so damn early then you ask, well I'll tell you. The orangutan next door was at it bright and early this morning, about 7:45am. He was bangin on the doors and walls, screaming to be let out of his cage. Ok, they don't actually keep him in a cage, but maybe they should ha ha. And he's not really an orangutan, he's an attention starved 6 year old with a mother that just wants to be left alone. I live in a duplex and my bedroom wall is also their bedroom wall. It sucks when you are trying to sleep off a hangover, or just trying to sleep in period. So yeah, I was up at 8 and I am slowly working on my 2nd cup of coffee, knowing damn well that I am going to crap out before the fat part of this day is done. All in all an ok night though, except that I am a gimp and will be kicking myself in the ass all week for my lack of verbal intercourse.
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