Today is the turning day, spring equinox. That thought alone should be enough to scream, "there is hope"!
It's been one of the craziest winters I've ever known, for so many people. There's been turmoil and change, and chaos and aggression. Power shifts aplenty, tension cascading, leaving us grabbing our hair wondering if we have the strength. I'm learning as I go, making it up along the way. It's like the more I reach out, the more that comes back. I'm beginning to feel very strong, physically and emotionally. It's amazing how fast the changes begin to happen when you set your mind to things. Finding the key to the balance is key.
Isolation versus socialization
the gradual manslaughter of the heart strings.
We carry on, and we can choose to trudge by miserably, or we can stand up tall, look it in the eye and push back. I myself am choosing to fight. I want what I want and I'm learning in order to get it, I have to be willing to fight for it. What can I say, I've always been a stimulation junkie.
Speaking of which...I need to get out of the hood. Pretty bad when you go to leave to the store you have to ask the cops sitting outside in the car if they are here to speak to you. Maybe they are, but maybe they are going to the house attached to your's, possibly the other house, about 4 down. It's hard to say. What chaos. Both the above mentioned other houses have similar problems. Messed up women getting out of hand. It happens more than I care to know, but you usually can't help but see or hear or get sucked into it somehow, when it's surrounding you.
Yep, still looking for a suitable suitor, and a new house. Big requests I know. I did get offered a job yesterday, and I think it may be good. I have a few questions that I will need answered, related to scheduling and conflict of interest stuff, you know, details. Exciting and scary, can I fill the roll of office administrator? I guess I can try and see how it goes, a real job, wow.