It sure is...
Getting here was half the battle, but I'm back. I've got 2+ weeks of awesome blog material stored in my head, and jotted on tiny scraps of paper kicking about. My harsh neglect may or may not have gone unnoticed, but lucky you (someone must read this shit...) I plan to tell you all about it tonight. Well not all of it of course, because that could go on for days. Hmmm...where to start, how about the beginning?
Shit, where did that beginning go...this won't work, I'm confusing myself. How about I start with what to do for this year's winter activity. I like to take up something new during the long, hard Saskatchewan winter months, it helps, trust me. I have found 3 options that are all very appealing, and right here in my neighborhood. You'll never believe this but, one of the community associations around here are offering "Strippercise", yep that's what I said, "strippercise." What sounds more fun than this folks? Anyone else interested, hmmm, girls? The only thing freaking me out about option #1 is the thought of a bunch of neighborhood women writhing around on poles and the ground, dancing around. Anybody can sign up, I'll leave it at that. Option #2 is yoga. I've never taken a formal class, so this is also a fine option. It would be relaxing and serene. Which leads us to option #3...judo. Now this is nothing like yoga, or strippercise either for that matter. I could use an agressive romping, good for fun, fitness and power. This is the one I am leaning on, as it's probably the only one that would help me gain upper body strength, which I use a lot at work. Lugging bodies around requires serious strength. I don't know, the problem is that all 3 together would be an excellent way to quickly get into shape, and have fun while doing so. Too much time and money though. Too bad, I'll have to choose. Any suggestions? (This is the part where you consider it, " hmmm...I haven't commented on Jenn's blog for soooo long, maybe never even..."
Okay then, that took entirely way too long, and I could have said more. But I like to hold the readers attention by switching it up a little, you know, fuckin with ya. Things are crazy around here, life has been a whirlwind of exams and Christmas concerts, and chaos of crappy cars, and trying to plan a million details with a head already full of sociology and jurisprudence and threesomes, oh wait, that was a movie... Blah, so there, I summed it all up. There you have it, wait...I'm not done. One more thing, does anybody want to get together to make music? As I am once again coming into my own skin, this is something that needs to be reckoned with, I'm sick of pulling karaoke as a lame attempt at being a rock star. You can reach me at So be there or be square
I have a computer final tomorrow, but it's kind of dumb studying. It's that kind of easy. I didn't study for the last one and walked away with a 96% final grade. Yeehaw! Rock and Roll, Merry Christmas (in case I don't come back before then), and nevermind, goodbye
1 comment:
The best place to start is the beginning. The two hardest steps to take are the first and the last. In a moment several million events will simultaneously occur and melt into the fabrics of time and space.
What's in a word?
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