Yeah, so apparantly all it takes to lure me into a potentially precarious situation, is the scent of having a real house. I know this is not ideal. "A house" you may say, well that seems riduculous, and you'd probably be right. So after 3 days of near silence and isolation, I have come up with a possible solution to the dilemna. "Why not just get a freaking house then?", I says to myself (remember...isolation) Wait a minute, wait a minute, let's just back this up a wee bit. I've recently become aware of something I'd like to name "THE 30'S PANIC". You know, the one where all of a sudden you feel the need to get married and reproduce. Driven sometimes by the threat of non-reproduction, or in other cases, proving to yourself, family, friends, co-workers etc. that you are actully worth something because you are married/stable/settled down/whatthefuckever/worthy of love....So I realize yesterday, is there a valid reason for me to panic, and settle for a miserable life in exchange for the status of having a husband/house/all that crap etc? Hell no, not really! I already have my kids and don't want any more. I have a career path on the horizon. What I want is a fucking house and a satisfying career, not a world of eggshells. See how it all ties in?
Moral of the story....don't put all your eggs in one bastard, ok dear?
Well anyways it's friday night, I think I'll go scrape some boogers off the wall or something, yep, it's exciting alright.....
1 comment:
That's priceless! "Don't put all your eggs in one bastard?" hahahaha!
Talk about confusion...and maybe a bit of priorities being out of's lame that it caused a Friday night alone. I'd say the best way to adddress the current situation is to talk with the friends who've left you home alone on a Friday night ... maybe own some shit and take some shit and hash it all out.
After all...our friends are the ones who are always there for us even when everyone else turns their back...ya just gotta treat em right.
luv ya.
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