I just opened an old drawer and found some of the strangest items. I call it an old drawer and it's in an old dresser, but let me explain. It's a dresser that used to be in my bedroom, then I moved it to Jessie's empty room, and I did clean out all my underused underwear, but I didn't clean out the top drawer. It's a salute to my organizational good intentions (similar to the road to hell), and lost in time are the many necesary objects that would in fact, allow me to procede with being a more organized individual. In the drawer I found some of those little clips that you attach to the wall in order to hang a mirror, not just one pack, but two. I must have really intended to hang that damn mirror, that maybe or I just wasn't happy with my first selection and therefore went out and got more. I also saw a poncho in a pack, about 4" by 4", handy. There's a whole bunch of other crap too, but I'll save you the details. On to the next random thought...
In my basement there are a bunch of teenage boys, at least 5, but maybe 6. They are all under 19, ranging from 15-17, and they are fucked up. They are currently listening to a really cool version of "Get Back", but its done by Ludacris and Sum 41, way cool. They are really loud and obnoxious, especially Jessie, who is at the moment(I can tell by the sounds) wearing a hat, aviator glasses, and redneck teeth. There is lots of coughing and male type bragging going on. Teenage boys are weird to me. They were also surprised when I answered the knock at the door, perhaps, I said to them, you were expecting someone else? Their instant silence gave them away.
Today at the library I got the ultimate Johnny Cash book, it looks great, can't wait to read it. So why don't I go crawl into bed and read it then you ask, well, because I don't want to, so there.
I'm frustrated by my choice of who I had children with. Remember ladies, be careful who you breed with, you are going to have to put up with that shit for the rest of your life.
On a lighter note, it's Friday night, St. Patrick's day even, and here I am, posting the year's longest bloggish gibberish, well good then, I'm not Irish.
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