Wednesday, February 1

random thoughts for a wednesday

Part 1
Let the laundry marathon begin, 2 weeks+5 people=a mountain.
The White Stripes rock today.
Is there any point in trying to compete with an ultra orgasmic 18 year old?
The first song I am learning on guitar happens to be sympathy for the devil, not by choice really, it's just coming naturally.
I need a night out.
My shoulder hurts from volleyball sunday night, so much that i could hardly sleep last night.
I've had 4 different repairmen in my house this week, all of which were pretty good looking, which leads me to believe in the phrase, "desperate housewife".
I wish Johnny Cash was still alive.
I hate doing dishes, even with a fancy dishwasher.
Volleyball is harder on the body than i remember.
I hate that nobody but loving Nicola comments on my blog.
I am feeling a mixture of emotion, perplexion, and aggression.
I'm in the mood for afternoon beer and karaoke, not laundry and dishes.
16 years ago today i was in labour with my first born child.
I want to give that almost 16 year old a tattoo for his birthday, and i want one too.
I wish i could lose 50 pounds easily.
I am about to change my mindset with the aid of outside forces.

I want to play my guitar, but my left middle finger is already burning.
Che gave me that guitar about 6 years ago and it finally fells like mine, and i know i've been calling it a piece for years, but it's not, it's quite beautiful if you know how to play it...thank you Che, so much.
God i love music.
I've been having vivid dreams for days, thinking they are connected to the dark moon. The last full moon was dream time too.
Pj harvey may be the coolest woman musician ever.


Anonymous said...

Here I sit cooking my chicken soup reading your blogger. Did you ever get my littleretard splif my attempt to start my own post. I will have to agree on the PJ harvey comment. She rocks my world.

miss.nicola said...

Nice one, Jensy. Good luck with Mount Laundry, and keep rockin' on the gee-tar!

calamityjenn said...

I don't remember getting anything about a little retard, but i want to. And thanks pal, I was going to go at it all day but decided it would probably end up being 3 feet long.