Yep, I know it's a bit of a cheesy thing, but I actually like Nickelback. And even better, they are playing here in Saskatoon tonight. I've seen them once before, took my son for his 14th birthday, damn near blew his young mind. He's pissed he's not coming to this one, but who wants to hang out with 3 cheesy old crazy ladies when you are 16 years old? He does.....Funny, on our way to Calgary this weekend we just happened to stop in Hanna Alberta, we had to stop. Simone noticed on the town sign that this was the home of Nickelback and she wasn't taking no for an answer. She was happy enough to just get gas and junk food, and that was that. BUT...on the way home we were listening to the radio and heard that Nickelback was playing in Calgary the next night. I could just see the wheels in her head turning and soon found out what she was plotting. After a short while she says, "there", and I ask "what"? She tells me she is all ready to stop in Hanna, and has a pen and paper in hand. She asks me what I would do if I saw them and I responded with,"I'd moon em, show em my big white ass, and smile of course." She was under the impression that because they were in Calgary, they may be stopping at home to see there families, which means that we may actually get to see them. She was so damn excited, and actually cried when I replied, "They are not going to be standing on a street corner in Hanna, waiting for us to drive by for an autograph." She actually cried, her poor little bubble was so bursted. But she's 9, and reality is large and nothing is impossible, right? Too bad we didn't see them, I would have liked the opportunity to moon them, and get an autograph for Simone...maybe "someday" (ha ha)
Boy I like to ramble in the morning.
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