What a great reason to learn how to play even sooner. I've finally begun the long, hard journey i've been procrastinating on for many years. So far i've got the tuning thing down, which was always my biggest excuse...so now, off I go. Go me! It seems like the big metamorphasis is finally beginning, next thing you know i'll actually go and get a job. That's mondays news though, so you'll have to wait. Oh yeah, and volleyball starts tomorrow night, whew, how will the ol' lungs like that one?
Sunday, January 29
Daisy Rock Rocks
So I just fell in love with a guitar...WOW. I found out about this company that is making guitars for women, really beautiful guitars. Some are kind of overdone but there is this one....The Venus AHHHHHH 
What a great reason to learn how to play even sooner. I've finally begun the long, hard journey i've been procrastinating on for many years. So far i've got the tuning thing down, which was always my biggest excuse...so now, off I go. Go me! It seems like the big metamorphasis is finally beginning, next thing you know i'll actually go and get a job. That's mondays news though, so you'll have to wait. Oh yeah, and volleyball starts tomorrow night, whew, how will the ol' lungs like that one?
What a great reason to learn how to play even sooner. I've finally begun the long, hard journey i've been procrastinating on for many years. So far i've got the tuning thing down, which was always my biggest excuse...so now, off I go. Go me! It seems like the big metamorphasis is finally beginning, next thing you know i'll actually go and get a job. That's mondays news though, so you'll have to wait. Oh yeah, and volleyball starts tomorrow night, whew, how will the ol' lungs like that one?
Thursday, January 26
Thursday is a Great Night for Rockin Out
Yep, I know it's a bit of a cheesy thing, but I actually like Nickelback. And even better, they are playing here in Saskatoon tonight. I've seen them once before, took my son for his 14th birthday, damn near blew his young mind. He's pissed he's not coming to this one, but who wants to hang out with 3 cheesy old crazy ladies when you are 16 years old? He does.....Funny, on our way to Calgary this weekend we just happened to stop in Hanna Alberta, we had to stop. Simone noticed on the town sign that this was the home of Nickelback and she wasn't taking no for an answer. She was happy enough to just get gas and junk food, and that was that. BUT...on the way home we were listening to the radio and heard that Nickelback was playing in Calgary the next night. I could just see the wheels in her head turning and soon found out what she was plotting. After a short while she says, "there", and I ask "what"? She tells me she is all ready to stop in Hanna, and has a pen and paper in hand. She asks me what I would do if I saw them and I responded with,"I'd moon em, show em my big white ass, and smile of course." She was under the impression that because they were in Calgary, they may be stopping at home to see there families, which means that we may actually get to see them. She was so damn excited, and actually cried when I replied, "They are not going to be standing on a street corner in Hanna, waiting for us to drive by for an autograph." She actually cried, her poor little bubble was so bursted. But she's 9, and reality is large and nothing is impossible, right? Too bad we didn't see them, I would have liked the opportunity to moon them, and get an autograph for Simone...maybe "someday" (ha ha)
Boy I like to ramble in the morning.
Sunday, January 22
Sunday's Card Polishes off the Week
So I just returned from a fabulous vacation in Calgary (whoopee, what a vacation you may say), and It was pretty much all good. Some highlights: Seeing my old friend Jody, who I haven't seen in about 3 years. Meeting Jody's baby Azaria, who was wonderful and beautiful. Ripping out a smoking hot version of "Proud Mary"(Ike & Tina style) at karaoke with Jody. A awesome night of drinkin beer, playing pool and singing karaoke with Jody and her boyfriend Dorian. Getting cracked for cigarettes in Airdrie on our way out of town (ha ha ha), funny cause I looked like a strung out junkie skid after a hardcore night of drinking and only 3 hours sleep(wearing a trans am bunnyhug and a touque) Some lowlights: spending 15 hours of a weekend in the car with my fighting kids, although we did have some fun on the way, singing and cracking jokes. But the ride home was pure hell...in the dark for 3 hours after 4 hours of driving, on 3 hours of sleep and a hangover. We made it back alive though, and to top it off, I am feeling a might inspired to get off my ass and do something productive until I can go back to school in September. WHOOHOOO for the refreshing roadtrip! And yeah, I love Jody, she's a superstar. And yeah, I am way overtired and overcaffienated, and can't seem to just shut the hell up...that's all...really.
Friday, January 20
Thursday, January 19
Friday's Card is For the Dogs!
Yup, this is it, friday's card. A little premature maybe but that happens sometimes. Oh well, lets go on a road trip dudes!
Thursday's Card is for Nicola
This one I was saving for an exciting day, but I couldn't wait any longer.
Wednesday, January 18
Tuesday's Card is a Little Late
Only because I couldn't get into any of my shaw crap because my passwords were all fucked up.
Monday, January 16
Oh the Agony
There's nothing worse than having to wait for the repercussions of my actions. I'm not much of a waiter even for simple things, never mind soul bearing, heart felt late night mumbo jumbo. Can I not just take anything slow and steady, why must I be so damn impatient?
And a big heads up, for this week is "Super Awesome Card Week" where I will be displaying some of the funniest, stupidest, coolest cards ever. Be sure to tune in often, as you won't want to miss this shit!
And a big heads up, for this week is "Super Awesome Card Week" where I will be displaying some of the funniest, stupidest, coolest cards ever. Be sure to tune in often, as you won't want to miss this shit!
Sunday, January 15
Poetry Anyone?
so Nicki says, "what the fuck's up with all the poetic words these days, your blog has always just been nasty and funny, impersonal shit." And true enough, it has. Thats not to say those are the only thoughts I have though, and like I said to her, the whole time I was with Dennis, I couldn't write a lick. This should have been a warning bell way back in the beginning, but at the time I was thinking of it differenty. I thought maybe, because he didn't inspire any emotionally tragic poetry, that maybe he was the one. I've missed this side of me, and find myself daydreaming in poetry whenever I am left alone with my thoughts. I always loved the ability to turn any emotional moment into written prose, it's a great form of expression. I always thought someday I would dig through all those old journals and have enough to actually publish a book of tragic poetry. Maybe now I can begin anew, starting fresh from this more mature place in my life. So say what you want, if it offends more than camel toes and big cocks, thats your opine and you can just quit reading this damn cheesy blog. Oh, and have a lovely snow-covered Sunday.
Saturday, January 14
You seemed really nice, right off the bat
but nice can only take you so far.
When the nicieties wear off, we have nothing
if you can't stimulate the conversation.
I can't be content with just sitting,
feelings of boredom, mind whirling inside
This was not a "relationship", not even a friendship
just another failed attempt at connection.
But you didn't notice the look on my face
or that my brain was spinning with thought.
My words caught you off guard, like you thought
this had a chance going somewhere
but like everything else, it didn't cause a spark
it didn't even make you flinch.
You will never be happy until you learn to try new things
were my words of parting with you.
But like I said, who am I to judge, it's just a view.
I tried to warn you at the start
that I was not easily content.
I can't be satisfied by idle chat
nor lack of compliment.
I need to be amazed, to be made to think
to walk away feeling in a haze.
I need stimulation, to be called on my bullshit
to not be trapped a comfortable rut.
But what's a week or two, here and there
I feel like my work is done
I opened your ears to new sounds
that I hope will spur you along
then closed the door and walked away,
another job well done
but nice can only take you so far.
When the nicieties wear off, we have nothing
if you can't stimulate the conversation.
I can't be content with just sitting,
feelings of boredom, mind whirling inside
This was not a "relationship", not even a friendship
just another failed attempt at connection.
But you didn't notice the look on my face
or that my brain was spinning with thought.
My words caught you off guard, like you thought
this had a chance going somewhere
but like everything else, it didn't cause a spark
it didn't even make you flinch.
You will never be happy until you learn to try new things
were my words of parting with you.
But like I said, who am I to judge, it's just a view.
I tried to warn you at the start
that I was not easily content.
I can't be satisfied by idle chat
nor lack of compliment.
I need to be amazed, to be made to think
to walk away feeling in a haze.
I need stimulation, to be called on my bullshit
to not be trapped a comfortable rut.
But what's a week or two, here and there
I feel like my work is done
I opened your ears to new sounds
that I hope will spur you along
then closed the door and walked away,
another job well done
Monday, January 9
Never mind then
Ok so the Russian bride was kinda lame, but....remember(if I told you that is) that I found out last Christmas that I was somewhat Russian and somehow that related in my brain at the time. Hmmm wonder if I could be a "Canadian Bride" and pimp myself out for "free evenings" wink wink, nudge nudge....hmmm where to choose?
I am missing school, not necessarily nursing classes, but learning in general. The brain gets a little moldy when not stimulated; combine that with physical inactivity and it's a recipe for disaster. On the upside though, I signed up for adult co-ed volleyball tonight that happens at the little school by my house, could be weird, might be fun, will be stimulating indeed. It starts sunday night, which is perfect because sunday nights are the most boringest, lonliest, longest nights of all...Sigh
I am missing school, not necessarily nursing classes, but learning in general. The brain gets a little moldy when not stimulated; combine that with physical inactivity and it's a recipe for disaster. On the upside though, I signed up for adult co-ed volleyball tonight that happens at the little school by my house, could be weird, might be fun, will be stimulating indeed. It starts sunday night, which is perfect because sunday nights are the most boringest, lonliest, longest nights of all...Sigh
Sunday, January 8
Anyone interested in a Russian Bride?
I got this weirdness in my email today....
Hello have a good day,
I am not sure where to begin,it is first time I try to use internet to
meet the man but the thing is,that I will work abroad I can choice
USA,Canada or Europe and I would like to meet the man to share free
evenings and be my guide. My friends helped me to send a few letters
to different address and I do hope that I am lucky to meet good and
kind man.you should know that now I live in Russia and my goal is to leave this
country because it is impossible to live here for young pretty woman.they tell I look well
enough,I am blonde with blue eyes,I am natural blonde.I will send a few photos if you reply.
if you don't have wife nor girlfriend ,maybe we could try to meet?
I am free I have not children .and I have not boyfriend here.
I am 25 years old ,please write to me directly
to my mail- fruy1@pochta.ru See you soon ,with great hope.
Hello have a good day,
I am not sure where to begin,it is first time I try to use internet to
meet the man but the thing is,that I will work abroad I can choice
USA,Canada or Europe and I would like to meet the man to share free
evenings and be my guide. My friends helped me to send a few letters
to different address and I do hope that I am lucky to meet good and
kind man.you should know that now I live in Russia and my goal is to leave this
country because it is impossible to live here for young pretty woman.they tell I look well
enough,I am blonde with blue eyes,I am natural blonde.I will send a few photos if you reply.
if you don't have wife nor girlfriend ,maybe we could try to meet?
I am free I have not children .and I have not boyfriend here.
I am 25 years old ,please write to me directly
to my mail- fruy1@pochta.ru See you soon ,with great hope.
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