Finally bought my ticket for bad religion, i guess you can take the girl out of the punk but you can't take the punk out of the girl. It's an old fascination, one that is deeply rooted, one that won't go away no matter how normal i pretend to act, what with the scholarly glasses and clean, unripped clothing and all. Should be super fun, am looking foward to seeing all the good old boys and whooping it up hardcore.
And one more thing, what's up with the boy who won't leave me alone, even though we broke up AGAIN.....I think he believes me this time.
HOLY SHIT I am visitor #1000 to your illustrious blog! Man, I should win a prize. How about a pool date one of these days at Kelly's?
Sure, how about tonight???
maybe.. maybe... it would have to be later, I'll let you know though.
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