Well these are my favorite holiday cards of the moment.....Christmas is so overly indulgent, makes me want to damn near burst. It sure is sweet seeing all those people who actually live really near but you never really see kind of family members. Yeah, so now what? More still to come?
Tuesday, December 27
Aaaahhh, the Holidays
Well these are my favorite holiday cards of the moment.....Christmas is so overly indulgent, makes me want to damn near burst. It sure is sweet seeing all those people who actually live really near but you never really see kind of family members. Yeah, so now what? More still to come?
Tuesday, December 20
Love the PMS
Just as I was saying to myself the other day, wow, i really don't even need those PMS happy pills anymore, the ugly bitch rears her wicked little head. Take today for example....fixing the piece of shit tree stand so my kids can have a stupid Christmas tree for at least a few days. Anyways, I go and buy a new screw, realign the whole damn thing, get the ugly plastic tree in the slot, get her up, the damn thing is crooked. I wiggle it a bit, then a bit more, and when that doesn't work, I kick the piece of shit over and stomp on the damn tree stand. Needless to say, this really didn't help the situation much. Eventually I cool off and start over at the beginning, now with a severly bent tree stand. Anyways the the damn tree is up and everyone is feeling much happier now, and all I wanted to do tonight was have some drinks, maybe get high and get my fucking period, none of which is happening. Oh goody, maybe tomorrow can be as special as today. Bring on the happy pills bitch.
Monday, December 12
Talking about Screws
So yeah, speaking of old boyfriends "borrowing" screwdrivers, wondering if that same fella has a big old screw loose somewhere in his head. I'm not usually one to vent anything really personal that would dare give away my delicate mental state, but tonight I'm in the mood. ****WARNING****this turned into a long and raving rant, so if you time is limited, you may want to come back some other time*******
So the breakup occurred about 6 weeks ago, and since then I've resisted any urge to call or to change my footing in this matter. Not him though....He's been calling and calling and used to be to just try and lure me into a good time boinking due to the fact that neither of us had moved on to new lovers. Regardless of my state of mind and body due to the sudden lack of a regular sex life, I have resisted. Lately though his focus has changed. He now admits to feeling lost and depressed because he "knows now" that I am the one he wants. What he doesn't seem to realize is that this time is just different, he doesn't get that I have just had enough of the bullshit and no matter how fucking horny I may be, it's not enough to base a lifetime relationship on. Whew, that was a rambling sentence.
So early on in our relationship he "forbade" me to not smoke pot. He did this knowing full well that I had for many years and that I also quite enjoyed it. So if I ever did it during our 4 and some year relationship, it was done without his knowledge, despite his suspicions because all my friends were doing it. So tonight he calls and he wants me to give him a ride home from the shop (jimmy repair), and then help him repair his brothers buggered computer. Bad feelings about all this, but he has helped me out in the past when I was in a jam so I just can't not do it. So we were discussing the chair recovering party I had with Nicki on Sunday and I was complaining that it was pretty damn hard work and he says, "didn't the pot help?" I ignored him and kept talking when he says it again, a little louder this time. I say, "yeah, if nothing else it sure made it more fun" and he gets all pissy and says "I know you do it any chance you get..." my reply, "not every chance, only when I feel like it. From here he starts rambling on about what a loser I am and always will be because I am a "POTHEAD". This is where I don't say a word and just hang up the phone.
So he calls back a couple times, but by now the ringer is off and I can't hear him calling, but he does leave a message......."I GOT ONE THING TO SAY, IF YOU DON'T CALL ME BACK IN 20 MINUTES I AM GOING TO COME OVER THERE AND BOOT THE DOOR DOWN!"
Nice one, real manly I thought. I did answer his next call where all he said was, "are you still going to help me tomorrow?" "Yep" "Ok then" "Ok then, bye"
Tell me, why would I want to "try it again" with this man. Yeah sure maybe we should get married, buy a house, and try to work it out...HA to late motherfucker.
So the breakup occurred about 6 weeks ago, and since then I've resisted any urge to call or to change my footing in this matter. Not him though....He's been calling and calling and used to be to just try and lure me into a good time boinking due to the fact that neither of us had moved on to new lovers. Regardless of my state of mind and body due to the sudden lack of a regular sex life, I have resisted. Lately though his focus has changed. He now admits to feeling lost and depressed because he "knows now" that I am the one he wants. What he doesn't seem to realize is that this time is just different, he doesn't get that I have just had enough of the bullshit and no matter how fucking horny I may be, it's not enough to base a lifetime relationship on. Whew, that was a rambling sentence.
So early on in our relationship he "forbade" me to not smoke pot. He did this knowing full well that I had for many years and that I also quite enjoyed it. So if I ever did it during our 4 and some year relationship, it was done without his knowledge, despite his suspicions because all my friends were doing it. So tonight he calls and he wants me to give him a ride home from the shop (jimmy repair), and then help him repair his brothers buggered computer. Bad feelings about all this, but he has helped me out in the past when I was in a jam so I just can't not do it. So we were discussing the chair recovering party I had with Nicki on Sunday and I was complaining that it was pretty damn hard work and he says, "didn't the pot help?" I ignored him and kept talking when he says it again, a little louder this time. I say, "yeah, if nothing else it sure made it more fun" and he gets all pissy and says "I know you do it any chance you get..." my reply, "not every chance, only when I feel like it. From here he starts rambling on about what a loser I am and always will be because I am a "POTHEAD". This is where I don't say a word and just hang up the phone.
So he calls back a couple times, but by now the ringer is off and I can't hear him calling, but he does leave a message......."I GOT ONE THING TO SAY, IF YOU DON'T CALL ME BACK IN 20 MINUTES I AM GOING TO COME OVER THERE AND BOOT THE DOOR DOWN!"
Nice one, real manly I thought. I did answer his next call where all he said was, "are you still going to help me tomorrow?" "Yep" "Ok then" "Ok then, bye"
Tell me, why would I want to "try it again" with this man. Yeah sure maybe we should get married, buy a house, and try to work it out...HA to late motherfucker.
Wednesday, December 7
Thursday's Girl Feels Like Shit
Still wondering how Wednesday night poker turned into Wednesday night super-drunken-karaoke night. Hot damn that bunch from shaw sure know how to whoop it up.
Tuesday, December 6
What the Hell is up With the Lack of Comments!
And yeah, this is some german band...weird huh?
And anyone can do, leave a fricken comment that is....just choose anonymous, and leave your damn name...ok, God you guys are such losers
Saturday, December 3
Tell Me This Isn't the Coolest Combo Ever
Ani Difranco and Joan Jett, it doesn't get much better than this. Check out Ani's new album "Knuckle Down", it rocks sweetly.
Tuesday, November 29
Finally, the List
Ok so I've been meaning to write a list for many, many months now of all the bands I've seen in my life. Now some of them are great, others not so much, but the challenge lies in working the old brain stem into rcalling such elaborate info. If anyone has any info that I may have forgotten, please let me know. Ok, here goes...Oh by the way, this is not in order of relevance, more like a time line.
1.Bad Religion
2.Rob Zombie
3.Willie Nelson
4.Black Eyed Peas
5.Collective Soul
8.James Brown
13.Alannis Morisette
14.Kinny Starr
15.Bare Nakaed Ladies
16.Chantel Kreviatzic (sp)
17.Swollen Members
18.Bif Naked
20.Los Lobos
21.Van Morrison
22.Dave Brubeck
23.Cowboy Junkies
24.Matthew Good Band
25.Fred Eaglesmith
26.Sarah Mcglauglin
27.Social Distortion
28.Dead Milkmen
30.Nashville Pussy
31.Ani Difranco
just thought of a few more...
32.5 Star Homeless
33.Accoustically Inclined
34.No Means No
35.Count Zero
38.Dayglow Abortions
39.Veda Hille
41.9 Pound Hammer
42.Tragically Hip
44.Black Halos
45.Teagan and Sarah
How could I forget? THE EXPLOITED, live in Mexico City
47.Roots Roundup
48.furnace face
51.one step beyond
53. the smalls
54.five minute miracle
56.The Reverend Hornton heat
57.Painting Daisies
1.Bad Religion
2.Rob Zombie
3.Willie Nelson
4.Black Eyed Peas
5.Collective Soul
8.James Brown
13.Alannis Morisette
14.Kinny Starr
15.Bare Nakaed Ladies
16.Chantel Kreviatzic (sp)
17.Swollen Members
18.Bif Naked
20.Los Lobos
21.Van Morrison
22.Dave Brubeck
23.Cowboy Junkies
24.Matthew Good Band
25.Fred Eaglesmith
26.Sarah Mcglauglin
27.Social Distortion
28.Dead Milkmen
30.Nashville Pussy
31.Ani Difranco
just thought of a few more...
32.5 Star Homeless
33.Accoustically Inclined
34.No Means No
35.Count Zero
38.Dayglow Abortions
39.Veda Hille
41.9 Pound Hammer
42.Tragically Hip
44.Black Halos
45.Teagan and Sarah
How could I forget? THE EXPLOITED, live in Mexico City
47.Roots Roundup
48.furnace face
51.one step beyond
53. the smalls
54.five minute miracle
56.The Reverend Hornton heat
57.Painting Daisies
Saturday, November 26
"Quote of the Week"
So I take my mom to the doctor and on the wall opposite us was a poster about fetal alcohol syndrome. My mom looks up at it and says "I'm sure glad that wasn't around when I was pregnant with you guys." I started to laugh but then questioned her about her comment where upon she explained to me that of course she drank when she was pregnant with me, everybody did in those days. She explained that she didn't drink nearly as much as the woman down the road, only about 4 beer or so every weekend. To this I factored in the many holidays that would have occured during my pregnancy, which adds up to be a lot of alcohol for such a young pup. Yikes, things were definately different in the 70s. Don't get the impression that I am dissing my mama or anything, cause really, it was an amusing conversation.
Monday, November 21
Metal Energy
See, that's the thing about magnets. They always stick to things. I wish I was more magnetic, you know, instead of being too electrical. I wonder if we all have our own type of metal energy, probably... See, I tend to get shocks easily, plus I feel as though I attract then detract, retract, zap back, a lot. What do you think, shoud I create a quiz maybe that tells people what kind of metal energy they have, and possibly, how to live their lives accordingly? I just might.....stay tuned.
Weekend Movie Review
So I went with my son and his friend to see "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" on friday evening. This was the opening show and it was a sold out show, freakin packed. The movie was good, if you like Harry Potter movies and/or books, although my son thought it was definately the poorest of the lot thus far. Me well, I thought, who the hell makes a kids movie that is 2 hours and 45 minutes long? Not only that but I guess I am not used to people clapping and cheering for movies because it kind of felt like we were at a live music show or something. I think once again that the book was way better, and like the friend said to me, "there was so much missing that wasn't in the movie" and I respond, "yeah well, how many hours did it take you to read the book, at least 12 right?" Not only that but with a book your imagination can do whatever you want with the words. Speaking of which, I want the new Harry Potter toy broomstick...
Monday, November 14
Sleeping alone fucking sucks...how the hell does one stay warm? I was single before and didn't notice how cold it was then, so what the hell is going on? It's so cold I've started wearing clothes to bed, jammie pants, long sleeved shirts and last night even socks. Crap pretty soon i am going to get nubs on my sheets from wearing clothes to bed. I hate going to bed these days, I stay up half the night to avoid it, brrrrr.....
Friday, November 11
I can't believe I changed my blog to fuckin PINK and nobody says anything weird about it.....I have been the antipink since age 11 when I gave it up for good. Is this what being 30ish is all about, loving the things I gave up with the black rebellion of my youth? Or was it just a momentary lapse from which I will come to my dark senses to realize there is such a thing as too much pink?
Wednesday, November 9
Wednesday, November 2
So much to think about
Let's start with this...Halloween was a blast this year, almost too much fun if that's possible. Honestly though, three gorgeous gals should not be allowed to get that drunk, cause you never know what may happen.

Finally bought my ticket for bad religion, i guess you can take the girl out of the punk but you can't take the punk out of the girl. It's an old fascination, one that is deeply rooted, one that won't go away no matter how normal i pretend to act, what with the scholarly glasses and clean, unripped clothing and all. Should be super fun, am looking foward to seeing all the good old boys and whooping it up hardcore.
And one more thing, what's up with the boy who won't leave me alone, even though we broke up AGAIN.....I think he believes me this time.
Finally bought my ticket for bad religion, i guess you can take the girl out of the punk but you can't take the punk out of the girl. It's an old fascination, one that is deeply rooted, one that won't go away no matter how normal i pretend to act, what with the scholarly glasses and clean, unripped clothing and all. Should be super fun, am looking foward to seeing all the good old boys and whooping it up hardcore.
And one more thing, what's up with the boy who won't leave me alone, even though we broke up AGAIN.....I think he believes me this time.
Saturday, October 29
Daily Horoscope
Your mood is fun loving and jovial today, Jennifer, and you should definitely make time to enjoy this spirit with friends. The one caveat to the day is that your emotions may seem a bit clouded and you may not have the most accurate impression of the situation at hand. You may feel that people have the wrong impression of who you are. Try not to act from a position of insecurity. Have confidence in yourself and take the lead.
Sounds pretty good...was thinking of dressing up as a famous musician and going to sing karaoke tonight, any suggestions as to which musician fits today's horoscope????It's up to you folks, best answer of the day will be chosen as the winner and the suggestor may recieve a stunning prize valued at oh I don't know.....
Sounds pretty good...was thinking of dressing up as a famous musician and going to sing karaoke tonight, any suggestions as to which musician fits today's horoscope????It's up to you folks, best answer of the day will be chosen as the winner and the suggestor may recieve a stunning prize valued at oh I don't know.....
Wednesday, October 26
Sunday, October 23
Oh what a night
Wow, what a night. Ended up at good ol' Alley kats (again) and who do I run into but two old boys that I used to know, many years ago. One of them just happened to be an old boyfriend, a really old boyfriend, from about 18 years ago, one of my first "make out" boyfriends. I haven't seen him since I was 13 years old, so this was really strange. Once we got through the initial formalities about life at the moment, the conversation turned to "remember when". He told me I was the first girl he ever kissed, the first tits he ever touched ("and God you had big tits") ha ha. Then he introduced me to his fiancee as his first girlfriend ever, the first girl he ever made out with, and she was soooo excited that she kissed me. So strange, running into people we know when we are kids, now that we are all grown up. wow.
Friday, October 21
Tuesday, October 18
Camel Toes are Good
said the cowboy karaoke host from Lover's Lounge....that is of course if they are included in an all around good package. So what do you think readers, camel toe, yes or no?
Friday, October 7
Liquor in the Front Poker in the Back
Good times...an evening of texas hold em with the boys from shaw cable, and Nicki and Chris too. Topped off with some crooning to the oldies at the blue diamond, life don't get much better than this. Oh yeah and 5 days as a non-smoker, without so much as a puff, I rock...so there.
Monday, October 3
Being a non-smoker is easy...especially when I am sleeping
So it's now been 31 & 1/2 hours since I quit smoking, but really, who's counting?
So far it's not so bad, besides the bouts of irritibility, and as long as those around me just shut the hell up during these moments, we should all survive this nicely.
So far it's not so bad, besides the bouts of irritibility, and as long as those around me just shut the hell up during these moments, we should all survive this nicely.
Saturday, September 24
The Good Wife
These are actual excerpts taken from Housekeeping monthly. There were many good tips but due to space and/or boredom limitations I just chose my faves.
Wednesday, September 14
Late Night Thoughts
You know the one where you go to bed and instead of sleeping, all you can do is think? This happens to me an awful lot, in fact this is when i get some of my most brilliant ideas of all time. Like last night for example, i spent about 2 hours thinking and this was my big revelation.....
Sleeping and shitting are very similar, that is, if you wait long enough, eventually it happens.
Sleeping and shitting are very similar, that is, if you wait long enough, eventually it happens.
Saturday, September 10
Wednesday, September 7
Sunday, September 4
How could I forget this?
I missed this crazy roller coaster of a ride in my recent top trip list. How silly of me, this was something Nicki and I were supposed to do last time we were in Vegas, but Nicki was all-of-a-sudden mysteriously very ill and didn't want to go. It was fun but gross...one of those things you are glad you did, but wished you hadn't. Look closely at the photo and you will see the kooky track running all around the buildings.
Tuesday, August 30
Monday, August 29
Top 5 Trip List
1. White water rafting on the Colorado River
2. Rob Zombie live in Vegas
3. Hoover Dam
4. Bryce Canyon National Park
5. Drunk driving in a golf cart...WHOOHOO!
2. Rob Zombie live in Vegas
3. Hoover Dam
4. Bryce Canyon National Park
5. Drunk driving in a golf cart...WHOOHOO!
Thursday, August 11
Thinking Thursday
Every night, someone thinks about you before they go
to sleep.
Atleast 15 people in this world love you in some way.
The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they
want to be just like you.
There are at least 2 people in this world that would
die for you.
You mean the world to someone.
Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good
comes from it.
When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a
look again.
Always remember the compliments you received. Forget the rude
to sleep.
Atleast 15 people in this world love you in some way.
The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they
want to be just like you.
There are at least 2 people in this world that would
die for you.
You mean the world to someone.
Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good
comes from it.
When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a
look again.
Always remember the compliments you received. Forget the rude
Monday, August 8
Rob Zombie live in Vegas
So, I may be insane, but we just purchased tickets to see Rob Zombie at the House of Blues in Las Vegas...Wow. Good thing I own a lot of black clothes and have the optional hole-in-my-nose, just for moments like this. Hopefully I don't get trampled and actually live to tell about this. Click
here to check out his website, it's pretty creepy.
Monday, August 1
Add On #1
My horoscope for today.......
You have always been lonesome, Jennifer. You act on your own and you don't trust outside help.
You have always been lonesome, Jennifer. You act on your own and you don't trust outside help.
Tuesday, July 26
Goin to Utah?
So, a trip to Utah has been proposed....not without hardship and jealousy about how nasty little Jenn gets to go to concerts and out for beer even though she has no money. So why you ask would I even want to go on a trip with someone who feels this way about me? Or maybe you are thinking, wow isn't that area of Utah really close to Las Vegas, and is it fair that dirty little Jenn gets to go to Vegas AGAIN, twice in the same year? Well, it's like this...I love to travel, I love badlands and rocks and canyons, and I love a man that I hate, sooooo....Of course I will go on a trip to Vegas and the badlands of Utah, even though I have no money and this trip is with a man that I love and hate. Does anyone feel sorry for me yet? If this is pulling at your heart strings and you would somehow like to help (ahem...$), then please leave your email address and I will contact you on details of how to donate to this worthy cause...Thank you, and oh yeah, here is just a taste of what I will be experiencing on this agonizing journey.
Monday, July 18
Hailey Jones Soda Pop
Look what I did, I entered this photo in a contest to be put on a bottle of Jones soda. I thought it was appropriate, seeing as he is a Jones and all. So if you want to vote on it go to jonessoda.com and look under the title haircut, you should find it there.
Sunday, July 17
Hey Mama those Peas are HOT!
Yes indeed, and what an action packed show it was. Not only is
Fergie smokin hot, but she can sing like a mother f**ker too. So much energy and pizazz...wow, the show was a musical marvel.
Friday, July 15
The morning after "Will"
Not to be confused with the morning after pill of course....So I woke up from a hot sweaty nap yesterday to a surprise invite to go see big Willie live. Of course it would be highly unlikely for me to refuse a free concert so, off we went. He played all the old faves and sounded just like Willie Nelson should. Not bad for a 72? year old guy, all the grey haired folks in the crowd clapped their little hearts out and every now and and even stood up to show their love. Add it to the list of great shows I'm glad to have seen. Maybe one of these days I'll dig into the ol' memory bank to compose a list of all shows i've seen.
Wednesday, July 13
Movie Review Time....So if you know it you've probably seen the movie "Napoleon Dynamite". It's kind of funny, the general opinion seems to be that the actual movie was pretty lame, BUT...the mockery and discussions that follow afterwards can be pretty damn funny.
Tuesday, July 12
Jody and Azaria
I know this blog is usually filled with filthy smut, but.....today is a new day. This is my friend Jody and her new baby Azaria, aren't they beautiful? I really can't wait to meet this little babe, can't wait to see Jody again either.
Friday, July 8
I'll make everything bitter, don't you worry
So I'm feeling a little pessimistic about all this. All what you ask, well I'll tell you then, I said. Nothing really I said, it's just that I don't really understand why boys and girls are so different, that's all. So you said, "what should we do about it?" Nothing, just love.
Thursday, July 7
Happy Birthday Mom!
Today is my fabulous-but-kind-of-wacky Mom's birthday. Now if I was to share her age with the world, she would probably be quite pissed at me. So instead I decided to post something just for her. She likes Elvis, not only that, but this guy has a bod a lot like my step-dad's so.....Happy Birthday MOM!
Tuesday, July 5
Sunday, July 3
Friday, July 1
Happy Fricken Canada Day
So another Canada day is upon us and boy, what a lovely day it is. Last night was the greatest canada day eve ever. Nicki and I ended up leaving partners bar and grill (we loved this bar and grill) with a really cool family that we met playing pool. Yep, they just invited us home with them because they thought we were great. So we went, and what fun we had, with Raymous on guitar, playing on demand, learning as he went, playing whatever we felt like singing at that moment....wow, singing solo loud and proud for a room full of strangers, anyways, it felt great. The gang consisted of: Raymous-the mexican stepdad
Sandy-aka "Tanga" the beautiful and so nice lady
Andy- the 25 year old, nephew of sandy, stepson of Raymous
Doris and Rose- lesbian friends of the family
Margaret-aka"Mugs"the mom of Andy,wife of Raymous&sister of Sandy
"Cheech"-sister of Sandy, Margaret and Bert, Aunt to Andy
Bert-brother of Sandy, Margaret and "Cheech"
John and Mona-?friends of the family
Gay man-what was his name, never did find out
Yes, what a night it was
Wednesday, June 29
Becoming a non-smoker
Well this is it....I have thus far been a non-smoker for 8 1/2 hours. I'm not sure I like feeling so empty, it's like a huge part of me is being denied. I have felt worse when trying to quit before, this time the anxiety seems to have fucked off and it's all about mild sporadic little headaches and oh yeah, if I was a smoker I would smoke now, but i'm not so I won't kinda feelings. I've tricked myself by setting the date for July 4th and deciding yesterday that when my pack was done, so am I. So far it's working, although Jessie just brought me a smoke, likely from a neighbor, which is sitting menacingly in front of me, begging me to suck it off, ahem, I mean smoke it....shit this is going to be tough. I need a group of friends that don't smoke to hang out with, what DO non-smoker do for fun anyways? Anyone notice the variety of mood swings within this little blog? Imagine what's going on in my head right now....
Tuesday, June 28
My Dad
So this is my dad, he died when I was almost 8. I look at these old pictures and I think, wow, what a sweet looking man. I never knew him when he looked like this, but I see myself and that devilish look in the eye and I know, I know.
Saturday, June 25
Kitty Cat Dance
Holy Jesus, I think I managed to set up this stupidly amusing dancing cat video. Now, normally I don't care for anything like this but for some reason, I can't get enough of this damn cute cat. It's the song...you may find it stupid, or possibly addicting but click
here to see for yourself. When you get there, just hit play and voila.
here to see for yourself. When you get there, just hit play and voila.
Friday, June 24
Holy Shit, It's Friday
To think, I almost let good ol' Friday slip by without a t-shirt. I found a new website that is loaded with flavourful goodness, t-shirts for all tastes.
First a silly cute one

Next, a cute kind of dirty one

A good T for finding a date...

And finally, the grand finale to a week of good t-shirts..

Well that wraps up the theme of the week, stay tuned for upcoming attractions.
First a silly cute one
Next, a cute kind of dirty one
A good T for finding a date...
And finally, the grand finale to a week of good t-shirts..
Well that wraps up the theme of the week, stay tuned for upcoming attractions.
Thursday, June 23
Happy Thursday Y'all
I am feeling generous this morning, that and I thought these were all great and couldn't decide which one to pick. By the way Nicki, one said.."Jesus is my homeboy" and the other said "Vagitarian".
Wednesday, June 22
A Celebrational T for Wednesday
Of course this is fitting for today, and even if it wasn't, it would still be funny.
Tuesday, June 21
I just got my acceptance letter into the funeral director and embalmer's course starting this fall!!!!!!! Like i said...STAY GOLDEN BABES!!!
Stay Golden Baby Tuesday's t-shirt
According to Websters....Golden-1.made of or containg gold 2.bright-yellow 3.very valuable; excellent 4.flourishing
All of which would be ok, well except for maybe being bright-yellow...hmmm
I am well aware this t could be horribly misconstrued, but i am willing to take the risk. Let's take a look at some of the golden things in our world, shall we.
:the golden gate bridge
:a golden shower (yuck)
:a golden ring (even more yuck)
:a golden ager (still yucky)
:the golden rule (ooohhh)
Well that's about it as far as my list of golden goes, so one can say that maybe they would prefer the definition meaning excellence as their form of being golden.
Monday, June 20
Good t-shirt week
It's time some of these t-shirts made their debut. Where would we be without them.
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