Wednesday, June 27

A Tittilating Week Indeed

Celebrated Simone's 11th birthday.
Watched Hailey dance so damn good it brought tears to my eyes.
Got my morning glories planted, and all the other flowers too.
Played webkinz games, earning many bucks for fabulous prizes.
Didn't get a job, do my taxes, or finish my school journaling or go to curves.
It's really hard being unorganized all the time, kind of chaotic. Trying to figure it all out at once never really works for me, and yet I just keep on trying it. Funny how that works.

Tuesday, June 12

When I got home from work today, my mom and Bob were in my back yard trying to start my mower. Weird, I know, what a thing to come home home to. Anyways...the point of all this. We went in the house and when my ma sees my cat she says, "Ewww, is that thing ever fricken ugly, it's the ugliest fricken thing I've ever seen." Nice one momsy, you don't see me whining about how fricken ugly Bob is, so just shut the hell up about my damn cat already. Crap, I never need to wonder where the blunt asshole living just under my surface comes from, do I now?
It's been a long couple of weeks, working lots and playing little. How the hell am I supposed to meet the love of my life while sitting at home exhausted, playing on facebook? Don't get me wrong, I have been thoroughly enjoying reconnecting with the good folks, but as far as relationship potential, the pickins are slim. Besides, is refalling for childhood boyfriends really a productive use of my time? Probably not, and anyways, I'm not looking for a future ex husband, I'm looking for a partner in crime. It's silly to think it's smart to want someone who lives on the other side of the world, this I already know. Why do I always want what I shouldn't, knowing that I shouldn't want it, damn, now that's a hell of a question. Forever seeking the deviant thrills...atta girl.

Tuesday, June 5

Too Funny

I did something super funny today, I accidentally wore 2 different shoes to work. I was in a bit of a hurry leaving, slipped one on, grabbed something off the table, slipped into the other one and took off. The really funny thing is, I didn't notice until I went to polish them to leave for a funeral. Ha ha ha on me, had to stay that way all day.